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Tackle World Lawnton 4501, LawntoN

Jackson Jester Minnow Lure

Lure Colour: BGP
Lure Size


The Jackson Jester Minnow is a 78mm floating, diving minnow available in some awesome colours and built for a range of fishing styles and target species.

The Jester lure was developed with a focus on strength, casting accuracy, distance and an immediate diving action to enable the angler to get the into the strike zone instantly. The versatility of the lure also relates its retrieve, which can be trolled, casted and slow rolled, or casted with a twitch and pause retrieve: all are equally effective depending on what you're targeting.

It's a great lure for up north when chasing species like barramundi, mangrove jack and sooty grunter, and also further south for big flathead and jewfish.


  • 3X Strong hardware
  • Fast Diving
  • Accurate Casting
  • Versatile
  • Floating
  • Troll/Slow Roll/Pause & Twitch


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    Jackson Jester Minnow Lure


    The Jackson Jester Minnow is a 78mm floating, diving minnow available in some awesome colours and built for a range of fishing styles and target species.

    The Jester lure was developed with a focus on strength, casting accuracy, distance and an immediate diving action to enable the angler to get the into the strike zone instantly. The versatility of the lure also relates its retrieve, which can be trolled, casted and slow rolled, or casted with a twitch and pause retrieve: all are equally effective depending on what you're targeting.

    It's a great lure for up north when chasing species like barramundi, mangrove jack and sooty grunter, and also further south for big flathead and jewfish.


    Lure Colour

    Lure Size

    • 78mm
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